More about Nouns:
A noun is the naming word.
Nouns are of five different kinds:
1. Proper
2. Common Noun
3. Collective
4. Material
5. Abstract
Proper Noun:
A proper Noun denotes one
particular person or thing as distinct from every other:- Nesfield
Rahim is a student.
Delhi is a big city
The Gita is the sacred scripture.
A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, thing, place etc.
First letter of a Proper Noun is always Capital letter.
Common Noun:
A Common Noun denotes no one person
or thing in particular, but in common to all persons or things of the same
kind: Nesfield
A boy is dancing
A girl is playing
A dog is barking
A bird is flying
we use a general determiner before the common noun.
Collective Noun:
A collective Noun is the name of a
number (or collection) of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one
whole: Martine
The army reached Kashmir in time
The crowd is peaceful
The audience broke into claps
The scenery is charming
The furniture is made of wood
Some collective nouns:
A bench of judges
A bundle of sticks
A board of directors
Material Noun:
A noun of Material denotes the
matter or substance of which things are made: Nesfield
Iron is a very useful metal
Potato is cheap now
Diamond is very bright
There will be no article before
material noun and it is used as singular number only.
The paper is made of grass
The shoe is made of leather
Here paper and shoe are common nouns
(what is made), but grass and leather (by which materials these are formed) are
material nouns.
Abstract Noun:
An abstract noun denotes some
quantity, state or action apart from anything passing the quality etc: Nesfield
a). Quantity: Justice, honesty,
brightness, goodness, softness etc
b). State: Boyhood, infancy, youth,
friendship, freedom, poverty etc
c). Action: Going, eating,
movement, theft etc
Poverty is a curse
Kindness is the best virtue
Theft is a crime
Cruelty is a vice
Abstract Noun relates to things which can not be seen or touched etc and which are thought of apart from any objects of sense- Nesfield
nouns are formed from Adjectives, Verb and Common Noun
Example: Kind (Adjectives) à Kindness
Grow (Verb) à Growth (Noun)
Boy (Noun)à Boyhood (Noun)
Formation of Abstract Noun:
Adjective Abstract Noun
1. Long 1. Length
2. Strong 2. Strength
3. Broad 3. Breadth
4. Wide 4. Width
5. High 5. Height
6. Young 6. Youth
7. True 7. truth
8. False 8. Falsehood
9. Sole 9. Solitude
10. Obey 10. Obedience
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