The Parts of Speech:
Words are divided into different kinds or classes according to the work or the purpose that they are used for. The different kinds of words are called Parts of Speech. There are eight parts of speech:
1. Noun: "A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing."- Wren
As: Akbar, Kolkata, Water, Chair, Sun, Moon,
2. Pronoun: "A pronoun is a word instead of a noun"- JC Nesfield.
As: I, we , He, she, they, her, him etc.
3. Adjective: An Adjective is a qualifying or describing word. It adds something meaning to the meaning of a noun or pronoun.
As: Rahim is a good boy,
Gopal is a brave boy.
Milk is white.
Give me some money.
He has much money
Sharma is taller than Verma.
4. Verb: A verb is a Saying/doing word.
A verb is a word used to express an action or state--Wren & Martin.
As :I eat rice. He has a pen. We visited zoo yesterday.
5. Adverb: An adverb is a modifying word. It adds something to the meaning of a verb, an Adverb or Adjective
As : He walks slowly. (Slowly adds meaning to verb)
He walks very slowly. (Very adds meaning to adverb, slowly)
He is a very good boy. (Very adds meaning to adjective, good)
6. Preposition: "Pre" means before; "Position" means placed.
“Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a Pronoun to show one person or thing has to do with another person or thing”-Nesfield.
Preposition is a connection-expressing word.
As: to, into, on, at , with, from...
The cat is under the table. I want help from you.
7. Conjunction: A Conjunction is a joining word.
As : and, but, or, because, so, therefore etc..
Coal is black and Gold is yellow.
8. Interjection: An Interjection is an emotion expressing (express feeling) word.
As : Alas!, Bravo, Hallo!, Hurrah! Etc
Alas! The girl has failed.
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